moment of solitude

moment of solitude
Originally uploaded by soulvision.
The more content you can become in moments of solitude, the more joy and love you'll discover in times with others. Cultivate solitude. It will help you cultivate love.
Melody Beattie
The important thing to know is when you've had enough solitude. For even though you can be content within solitude there are times that you need the fresh perspective of another's company and point of view.
Your reality is the only one you know, but beware when it no longer becomes real. (BTW...that is not "pointed" at you...I think of an extremely strange and disturbing encounter I had this weekend that still has me shaking my head.)
Hi Heather! Yeah, I hear what you are saying. It's not about having more solitude but rather, being content in that solitude, content with ourselves and also in company. Otherwise it could be like solitary confinement and that can drive a person crazy!! Sorry to hear of your disturbing encounter...thanks for visiting!
Great blog. I shall journal this on my moleskine!
Luz, so you are keeping up a journal? That is lovely solitude in itself! Thanks for dropping by and your always delightful comments on my pictures. I thought I would have more time to blog over the winter months but not so!
Yumiko, thankyou for your kind words and I'm glad you are enjoying the posts here! I'm also enjoying your photo's very much!
Coincidences are signs that you are following and acknowledging the divine plan.
Thsnks Tamara...this is a very cool coincidence!
yes it is:)
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