Friday, August 19, 2005

An Open Gate

Originally uploaded by soulvision.

"Every phenomenon on earth is an allegory, and each allegory is an open gate through which the soul, if it is ready, can pass into the interior of the world where you and I and day and night are alone. In the course of this life, every human being comes upon that open gate, here or there along the way; everyone is sometime assailed by the thought that everything visible is an allegory and that behind the allegory live spirit and eternal life. Few, to be sure, pass through the gate and give up the beautiful illusion for the surmised reality of what lies within."
Herman Hesse, Iris

I thought this was very touches a place in my soul that longs to be in this world and yet, not of it. It is a clever balancing act and I come back to my center, that place within that is still, calm, quiet and connected. I am learning to trust it. It connects truth, my inner voice, and the Divine. My most loving times come from here, my insights, my awarenesses. It is naturally joyful and at peace. Yes, at times we must leave and take a side trip...learn a lesson or experience something new... but I am always reminded to come back to my center.


Blogger Martin said...

Beautiful and magical! Thanks for bringing it to my day :-)

- Martin

11:55 AM  
Blogger Luz said...

I agree. Thanks for sharing that.

8:52 PM  
Blogger Borya said...

Nice that you are quoting Hesse!

I always wonder how people 2000-3000 years ago witnessed this kind of meteorological beauty.

12:57 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...

Thanks Martin, luz and Boris...I read a few of his books as a teen but something has rekindled my love for his writing.
Boris, as for the photo, well that would be intersting to know. I believe the heavens above held a much more ominous/auspicious meaning back then!

1:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Novel shakes me.I cannot imagine how was Hesse feeling when writing this great,great words I just cant imagine.every word smells like masterpiece and it touches the soul.

8:59 PM  

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