feeling light

feeling light
Originally uploaded by soulvision.
I feel
so light.
This is all I
want to feel tonite.
I feel
so light.
and the rest of my life.
I heard this tune by Nina Gordon on the radio this morning and it stuck in my head.
Practicing "soul consciousness" daily makes me aware of myself as a being of light. It reminds me of my immortality, in contrast to our present experience where we are surrounded by temporary/perishable things. When I don't take time to explore the beauty of the soul, nor feel the warmth of my inner light, it's like losiing my "spiritual breath". The effort does not need to be so much on removing "body consciousness" but rather to awaken the soul. "I am the living light within this physical body". I wouldn't enter a dark room and make effort to push away the darkness, no, I would simply switch on the light.
and what is "soul consciousness", if i may ask?
Heather, I just wrote a rather lengthy explanation to your question and I LOST it! My computor has been acting up but this has happened on Blogger before, I wish there was some way to save a commet before you publish it. Anyways, I will rewrite soon OK?
I don't know what "Soul consciousness" is either :-)
So I will just interpret your words with what they mean to me.
I think, firstly, that it's very important to feed the "soul" or something within us dies. We eat and we drink but spiritually many are starving. We need art, music, poetry, and beauty in it's splendid forms and aspects.
I think also that we need to be "aware" this was something I was going to post on my own blog so I will not go into too much detail for now :-) I will just say that I think it's important to really "see" rather than simply see.
The idea of everything laking permanence is an old concept very much integral to Buddhism. I do think that once you learn to live in the present, see that the past is the past - and let it go. And when you learn that the future is an illusion then life is the better.
I'm interested and looking forward to hear your explanation regarding "Soul Consciousness" :-)
- Martin
Thanks for your great comment Martin...ok, I will try again. Soul consciousness is very simple practice really, I think we all have moments of it at times. It's a practice of having the awareness/experience of the soul as a being of light dwelling within this body. "I am the soul and I have a body", as opposed to "I am this body and I have a soul". Imagine driving in your car and thinking you were the car! There is such a great difference between the body and soul and it's essential to realize this if one wishes peace of mind. It is the soul, not the body, that desires peace. When we think or identify ourselves by our bodily roles,(body consciousness) name, gender, profession, whatever labels we have, it often brings with it conflict or mental tension of all types of prejudice--sexual, national, racial,social age and the list goes on. So when I begin to see myself as a soul then I see all others as souls as well. In this way, I see not only my own true value, but the true value of others and of this world around us.
This is just very basic without going on too long, but for me it is very enlightening!
Martin, I like what you said about feeding the soul. My understanding of the soul is that its very nature is peace. It's why we look for it, we try to avoid conflict and are happiest when we have peace of mind. "I, the soul, am peaceful" This is a very elevated and powerful thought and while remembering it we feed the soul with its truest nourishment.
Wendy, for me, Soul Consciousness is...
Standing in the grocery line with your back turned and your eyes closed to see what you can sense, feeling a deep sense of profound love, and turning around to see a mother watching over her baby asleep in a baby carrier.
Knowing from the look in your grandfather's eyes that this would be the last time you would see him alive.
Knowing when the instructor is going to call on you for a demonstration.
Any number of everyday occurances of simply listing to intuition.
- Mark
Thankyou for your lovely thoughts on that Mark. I like the example of standing with eyes closed and "feeling" the love, the vibration of love. We can really feel the energy of people around us if we "close our eyes" so to speak and use the eyes of the soul. It can be called our third eye....I of understanding!
Hi Wendy,
Nice post, so much so that I borrowed your words, "soul consciousness. You've been blogged! ;-)
Ahhhh, I see. So when you say you practice this daily you mean that you take time each day to allow your mind to wander down this path?
I also like the concept of feeding the soul: what a sad world it would be without beauty and art & music and....but beauty of any kind is in the eye of the beholder.
Luz, thanks for sharing that beautiful moment on your blog, very lovely!!
Heather, yes this has been a practice for me for over 10 years. What I most like about this is it allows me to experience inner peace wherever I am or sitting alone, simply by shifting my consciousness. It doesn't depend on nice music or a calm walk in the forest. In the midst of noise and confusion, peace is really my own.
Sounds a good way to be :-)
Unfortunately there are many that are quick to judge and quick to hate in this world.
I hope all your days are filled with peace :-)
Oh, and I forgot to say. I really like that photo of the flower!
- Martin
p.s. i like the last line very much: you don't have to battle the darkness, you just need to find the ligth switch.
Thank you Martin for your nice wishes! And Heather, that is really the best line...very simple and very profound! Think about it like this, darkness doesn't have a source, it is merely the absence of light
can you really practise it? that verb sounds weird to me in that sense, as if it was a sport. i like what that paperboy said. the last evenings i went out, sat on the stairs and just listened and smelled to summer.
Hi Boris! Well "practice" may sound like a weird word directly translated. But like anything, if you want to get good at it, you practice. "Soul consciousness" is the first step in my meditation practice. It could also be called a discipline which may sound even weirder! A discipline comes from the Latin root disciplina, meaning to learn. So whether it is the art of learning piano or the sport of hockey, in order to get better at it one needs to practice. Getting up in the early morning hours to meditate is a dicipline, one which I do out of love for that experience. If I go to bed too late or get lazy and slack off, it will be reflected in my day. There are times when I don't want to wake up...that too, is why I meditate.
The spontaneity that paperboy is taking about is wonderful! Anytime we stop throughout the day to listen to ourselves, our inner, being, it's like the practical experience of meditation. There are so many benefits for the self.
There is nothing I love more than to just be in nature and let it meditate me!! When I am at work or in the hustle and bustle of the world, when there is conflict or confusion around me, the practice of soul consciousness allows me to remain stable. Or when I just make the conscious choice to stop(my mundane thoughts) for a moment and go within, it's like recharging the battery, the soul. It begins with the simple thought, "I,the soul, am peaceful". Om Shanti!
To be able to reach silence is awesome.
Living in freedom, to know when to let go
that is Life. No possesions!
Very nice blog here. I am glad I stopped
Thanks for dropping by Shyloh! And yes, it is the attachment to possesions or the bondage to them, that ultimately brings us unhappiness.
those are lovely explanation of what you know, is that what experience too?
I am too very much into meditation and spirituality. Sis, I would like to know what are you practicing and what are the methods. good that with flickr getting to know someone of the same interests.
best wishes,
Shiva shivanayak AT flickr.com
Thanks for your comment Shiva! Yes, soul consciousness is very much an experience. I believe everything starts with a thought and we can have very powerful/elevated thoughts. Sometimes we need to make a conscious effort to steer our thoughts in the right direction but over time, the experience of soul consciousness feels natural.
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