Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Several months ago a Travelling World Community Festival happened here, 30 documentary films in 2 days! The purpose? To communicate local and global issues that affect us all, environmentally and politically. One film I found interesting was called "The End Of Suburbia". It raised serious questions about the sustainability of this North American way of life and it's prospects as the global demand for fossil fuels outstrips the supply. The film was well done and a must to see. And not long ago I was sent an article that was in the Rolling Stone, called "The Long Emergency". This is a great read as well. I noticed a post on Ottmar's blog related to this....he kindly posted the links to both the film and the Rolling Stone article. If you didn't see it, it was on May 30th titled "Joyride almost over" if you are interested.

There is enough in the world to feed us all, but not enough to feed our greed....


Blogger Borya said...

Are Canadians living the same style as US Americans? For example having doors open while the climatisation is running. I could image that people in Canada are more aware of the nature-esque surroundings.
Also I wonder how you'd judge the European way of life these years.

2:25 AM  
Blogger Just Me said...

Well, Wendy, what do you think? I think we do live much the same. We are so accustomed to the bounty our country has to offer us that we don't conserve or preserve very well. In many ways we are similiar to our geographical neighbours but there are also many, many differences, especially in our attitudes and our politics. Also the differences between where Wendy lives and where I live (about 4000 km apart) is huge.

6:49 AM  
Blogger Wendy said...

Boris, I include Canada when I say North America, there is a lot of consuming and wasting here too. The U.S. just has a way bigger population and many more large cities and therefore a more massive result/consequence. I think this problem doesn't necessarily discriminate between borders or countries, but North America sure seems to be in the lead! I remember when I was in Europe 20 years ago there was already more awareness there though.

5:36 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...

Heather, your right, there isn't a lot of difference in some ways as far as the life style goes...everything in abundancs! And just in our life time, not too many difficult times. In the nursing home I am still amazed at how frugal the elderly are. They save and horde paper napkins...don't waste water, keep food scraps and tuck them away(yuck) and STILL only use 2 squares of toilet paper!!!

5:45 PM  
Blogger Borya said...

There are huge differences between European countries. Germany's a good way ahead these years, I'd say.

5:21 AM  
Blogger Wendy said...

Yes, i would agree. What do you think is at the root of this problem? It seems as though we have created a monster in this world of consumerism and at the rate it is increasing, can we really sustain this today, not to mention tomorrow!

4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have the link to the Rolling Stone article?

7:43 AM  

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