Sunday, January 15, 2006

moment of solitude

moment of solitude
Originally uploaded by soulvision.

The more content you can become in moments of solitude, the more joy and love you'll discover in times with others. Cultivate solitude. It will help you cultivate love.
Melody Beattie

seeking peace

seeking peace
Originally uploaded by soulvision.

Seek conscious peace as much as you can, and seek peace in your soul as well.
Melody Beattie

let your soul lead you...

let your soul lead you...
Originally uploaded by soulvision.

Let your soul lead you through meadows, and take you down deep into the valleys.
Melodie Beattie

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Together Within

together within
Originally uploaded by soulvision.

When silence and virtue characterize the relationship between two people, there is harmony. When silence and virtue live together in one person, there is perfection. Perfection is a possibility or there would be no word for it.

sound of silence

sound of silence
Originally uploaded by soulvision.

...but underneath virtue must be silence, for silence is the gold that sets off the jewels and protects them from scattering...

Friday, September 23, 2005

Shining outward

morning beauty
Originally uploaded by soulvision.

When I walk, I fill myself with nature's beauty. It inspires me to experience the inner beauty of the soul, virtue that shines outward into everything; into the body, into the environment and ultimately into the fibre of the planet itself. It fills what is empty, heals what is sick, settles what is troubled.

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Gone hiking--MacIntyre Bluff
Originally uploaded by soulvision.

I am delighted and inspired by the beauty around me, the fragrant sagebrush in grassy fields, gently slopping down the hillside. This is the beauty of nature. Virtue is the beauty of a person. It is what makes them lovely and unusual. It is the color, form, shape of their personality. It is the way they do things; the way they move and speak. If a person has virtue, they will always seem rich, for everything that is close to them will be filled with quality.

Friday, August 19, 2005

An Open Gate

Originally uploaded by soulvision.

"Every phenomenon on earth is an allegory, and each allegory is an open gate through which the soul, if it is ready, can pass into the interior of the world where you and I and day and night are alone. In the course of this life, every human being comes upon that open gate, here or there along the way; everyone is sometime assailed by the thought that everything visible is an allegory and that behind the allegory live spirit and eternal life. Few, to be sure, pass through the gate and give up the beautiful illusion for the surmised reality of what lies within."
Herman Hesse, Iris

I thought this was very touches a place in my soul that longs to be in this world and yet, not of it. It is a clever balancing act and I come back to my center, that place within that is still, calm, quiet and connected. I am learning to trust it. It connects truth, my inner voice, and the Divine. My most loving times come from here, my insights, my awarenesses. It is naturally joyful and at peace. Yes, at times we must leave and take a side trip...learn a lesson or experience something new... but I am always reminded to come back to my center.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

feeling light

feeling light
Originally uploaded by soulvision.

I feel
so light.
This is all I
want to feel tonite.
I feel
so light.
and the rest of my life.

I heard this tune by Nina Gordon on the radio this morning and it stuck in my head.
Practicing "soul consciousness" daily makes me aware of myself as a being of light. It reminds me of my immortality, in contrast to our present experience where we are surrounded by temporary/perishable things. When I don't take time to explore the beauty of the soul, nor feel the warmth of my inner light, it's like losiing my "spiritual breath". The effort does not need to be so much on removing "body consciousness" but rather to awaken the soul. "I am the living light within this physical body". I wouldn't enter a dark room and make effort to push away the darkness, no, I would simply switch on the light.

Friday, July 15, 2005


I came across this little clip one day while reading a blog and put it in my favorites. Just found it again and thought I would post it since there seems to be an interest in Zen and spirituality lately. I thnk it is accurate although I don't know a lot about Zen in particular so go have a look and see!