Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Several months ago a Travelling World Community Festival happened here, 30 documentary films in 2 days! The purpose? To communicate local and global issues that affect us all, environmentally and politically. One film I found interesting was called "The End Of Suburbia". It raised serious questions about the sustainability of this North American way of life and it's prospects as the global demand for fossil fuels outstrips the supply. The film was well done and a must to see. And not long ago I was sent an article that was in the Rolling Stone, called "The Long Emergency". This is a great read as well. I noticed a post on Ottmar's blog related to this....he kindly posted the links to both the film and the Rolling Stone article. If you didn't see it, it was on May 30th titled "Joyride almost over" if you are interested.

There is enough in the world to feed us all, but not enough to feed our greed....

Thursday, May 26, 2005

the ripple effect

golden pond
Originally uploaded by soulvision.

I love to watch how water moves in all its ways. Just a breath of wind or the drop of a leaf sends out a ripple, as the movement radiates out from the center into it's surroundings. The vibration moves outwards and keeps moving, even when we can't see it.
The ripple effect is like our thoughts. When we put a thought out there, it radiates out into the world. So have a peaceful thought and it will create a glimmer of hope into the world.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Originally uploaded by soulvision.

It seems as though everything is more beautiful than ever since I started taking pictures. As everything comes alive again after the dead of winter, it's almost overwhelming at times and I feel like all I want to do is capture every momeent with my camera!! I was told this will wear off soon, but in the meantime I think it is teaching me something. Balance for one. And how to appreciate the beauty I see around me as well as within.

"ON BEAUTY" by Kahlil Gibran
All these things have you said of beauty,
Yet in truth you spoke not of her but of needs unsatisfied,
And beauty is not a need but an ecstasy.
It is not a mouth thirsting nor an empty hand stretched forth,
But rather a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted.
It is not the image you would see nor the song you would hear,
But rather an image you see though you close your eyes and a song you hear thought you shut your ears.
It is not the sap within the furrowed bark, nor a wing attached to a claw,
But rather a garden for ever in bloom and a flock of angels for ever in flight.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

mother's day for me

mother's day for me
Originally uploaded by soulvision.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Mother's Day

It was a happy Mother's Day at work for me. All day long family came in to visit their Mom, the regulars and those that have come a long way and only get to visit rarely. It's nice to meet them, and get to know a little more about their loved ones. There was a steady flow of flowers being delivered and beautiful bouquets from the garden. Bunches of purple and white Lilacs filled the air with their perfume. Old fashioned irises, tulips and daffodils are everywhere....and for Mother's Day Tea, we brought out the fine china tea cups. Then I remembered the ones I have at home from my Mother. And I thought about my Mom too. She is a gem and has a big heart! After work I took down a pretty china teacup and saucer, made tea and phoned her to wish her a Happy Day.
My Mother's Day came as a surprise to me last evening. Saffron and her boyfriend Talenn were waiting for me as I walked in the door from work. There was a bouquet of flowers on the table and some very relaxing music playing, and an invitation with tickets to go see a performance of Pippin at the High School. The flowers were from Saffron's Dad, my ex, who has never stopped honoring my role as mother and it means so much to me and to Saffron. The music playing was a CD from Talenn! It was Native Indian flute and very nice. He said, "you deserve it for putting up with us teenagers"! They are pretty awesome teenagers! And the tickets for Pippin were from my dear daughter Saffron, who knows what I like and spending time like this together with her is the best. Pippin was a wonderful story and the enthusiasm of these young actors was refreshing to see, as well as the amazing talent. There were moments where they really did shine with all their potential! Thanks for a great Mother's Day.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Planting Seeds

Originally uploaded by soulvision.

When a seed is sown in the earth, it is hidden underground. The seed is not kept on top, it is kept hidden underground, but it is the flowers and fruit of the hidden seed that becomes visible. I like to think of our thoughts as seeds, and when our thoughts are peaceful or happy or loving, we sow those seeds and they too become visible in the world. The mind has the amazing capacity to take on the form of whatever it is thinking about at any one moment and extract a feeling of the quality that comes with the form. An elevated thought produces an elevated vibration which we can feel. I, the self, will directly benefit first and so the world around us.